I blame Tokyo. A dear friend invited to tag along on a business trip to Tokyo, and who says no to Tokyo? I had about 2 weeks notice, which was just enough to realize I had no appropriate clothing or shoes, to order a bunch of stuff online, and for only two things to manage to get to Kauai. Forgive me, I've spent the last 6 months basically camping on a very expensive deserted island.
So I arrive in Tokyo with my hodgepodge of collected wintery things: a velvet jacket which had been on sale for like 6 months, some boots with tons of potential, and a new perfume that was heavy and wintery and the opposite of the way anything on Kauai smells.
The jacket and perfume were winners. Boots not so much. That's my review under msmelissa on the Nordstrom site. Shhh... I wore those things all over Tokyo and sent them back a week later. But hey, I am loyal and they get lots of my money.
Long story short: Tokyo rocked. We laughed our asses off, got lost, drank excellent scotch, ate some astounding and some questionable food, bought music, and delighted in how awkwardly different American culture is to Japanese. My friend is quite small and very slim for a guy, so he fit right in, while I, being 5'8 and insisting on wearing heels the whole time, was BIG.
Even being huge there, I still felt 100% woman. I woke up and put on a kimono. I wore make-up. I wore tight clothes and even when I was in pain, I put on those heels again, because damn it, I looked good.
Coming back to this island: I arrived, and drove my beat-up car with no ac back to Hanalei. I had to stop to fill up gallon jugs of water behind the health food store, as I couldn't drink the water at the cabin. Then I off-roaded on a jungle path for 1/2 mile until I got home and lugged bags and water through the mud and foliage. The homeless man and his puppy staying in my cabin greeted me with the news all my wine and scotch were gone. The next night, I found a cane spider in the cabin. It was so huge that Jeff needed A NET to capture and kill it. That ain't no slippah spider. And then the morning after that, I took a shower, covered myself in a rich lotion, and put on my bathrobe, which unbeknownst to me, was crawling with ants which were now all over my naked body. OMFG, kill me now.
I went from clean, dry kimonos, room service and breakfast buffets, fashion and new music, to the above scenario. I moved.
Getting back to my original point, somehow this all relates, though I'm still figuring it out.
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